Monday, March 17, 2014

Understanding the Cloud

There’s no doubt that the cloud and cloud based software has changed how we work and how we do business. Cloud software has made more software accessible to more people and continues to get better every year. The power of the cloud helps companies reduce costs, increase efficiency, and even create more profit. It gives you access to your software from many locations, from your phone to your computer.
Have you ever wondered what separates the big companies from the small companies? The answer is how much they can spend on these new solutions. They are cutting their costs faster and increasing profits more than their small business counterparts. The big reason is because they aren’t afraid of the risk because the reward is so great.
There is a big truth about the cloud though. It helps to make a level playing field. Now small companies can afford the same solutions that big companies can because most cloud solutions are priced by demand usage. This means the solution grows as you do, and you pay what you can afford while you are small. As you grow the price of the solution grows, but in scale with what you are benefiting from it.
On top of this, most cloud software requires no commitment, meaning when you no longer get usefulness from it, you can cancel it with no further obligations. CloudLink is one such application. It takes the most important business needs and wraps them into one modular solution for small businesses.
From mobile point of sale, inventory management, and even scheduling and time management, CloudLink may be the last cloud software solution you need to buy. CloudLink’s intuitive design, and powerful internal tools allow easy connection with external software packages that provide the services that CloudLink doesn’t, giving you a true central management solution based entirely on the cloud.
For more information on CloudLink, sign up to receive our article, How to use the cloud to Make it Rain Money

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