Friday, February 7, 2014



I'm Tom and in August I launched a new bulletproof vest company called BulletSafe. We make a great bulletproof vest and the price is super-duper low. It's $299 where other vests are $850-$1,100. We target security guards, doomsday preppers, and people who have dangerous jobs. Our customers have much less money, and are happy with our straightforward approach and great price. 

We would like you to blog about our product. Here are some things you could talk about. 

Here is a link to our first press release about the BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest. (Great product, unbelievable price):

Here are our other press releases:

Here is our Youtube channel:
I think this is the most interesting video on there: "What Does It Feel Like To Be Shot While Wearing A Bulletproof Vest"

And our Facebook Page:

Did you know that you can buy a bulletproof vest for $299?
A new company plans to be the Model T Ford of bullet proof vests. BulletSafe is the company and their vest is changing the landscape for body armor manufacturers. BulletSafe makes a single style of vests that offers protection from bullets up to a .44 Magnum. If you don't know what that is, a .44 Magnum is one of the world's most powerful handguns. This vest offers serious protection, comes in five sizes and is available to more people than any bulletproof vest before.
How did they get the price so low?
 Their cost efficiencies come in a number of areas. First, they don't custom-size the vest. Instead it is availabe in five sizes, just like other types of clothing. "Our vest has large areas of velcro so that people of all sizes and shapes can get a great fit" said company President Tom Nardone. They also only make one style of vest. It is a semi-concealable design that is also capable of carrying armor plating. Finally, the vest is only available in one color. Just like the Model T Ford you can have any color you want as long as it is black. 
Another area where they expect to see cost saving

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